It has been a while in the making but finally, we have our new website!
We wanted something clean, pleasant on the eye, easy to navigate but with enough information so that people can understand what Argus CIC is about. During discussions with Kal we both agreed that it was important for the website to work well on mobile devices because that is the work we now live in – if the website is not mobile responsive then it will impact on the effectiveness of the business and its online presence.
We have had a long relationship with Kal Wilkins and so of course we turned to him to produce our new website and associated artwork. Kal does creative artwork, video editing, digital design along with websites and has a long career behind him. Kal understands the need to work within budgets and offer solutions so he can provide his services to a wide range of customers.
Would you like a really beautiful and functional website like ours? Di you have some other creative needs? Why not get in touch with Kal via his own website and see what he can do for you!